Saturday, May 28, 2005


So....i had a long post about how great Emily Callahan's graduation party was...then it got deleted. Shortened version is this.

Riverside kicked ass
Aston was good
Zox was amazing

good people+good music+good food=great fiesta.


So, tonight was John Callahan's birthday fiesta. It was tres solid. We played some pool, played some basketball (where fullerton, j-dosi and I, took on 4 or 5 at a time, and still tooled on em), and ate some good food. Presents came and went, I got him Lewis Black on Broadway, and another inside joke gift. Then he announced, or, I forced him to tell everyone, that he is Atlanta, a month. WTF Mates, he leaves right after he gets back from France and Spain. I've got to say that this is some of the worst news that I've gotten in a while. However, I told Mrs. Callahan, she's going to have to prepare to have quite a few people staying at her new home down in da South; and she, being the perfect southern women that she is, said the more the merrier. He's gettin back to his ol' South roots, it just sucks he won't be here for the majority of the Summer though......Road Trip anyone?

Tuesday, May 24, 2005 more high school

This is a weird feeling. I finished my finals yesterday, and had a test to take today. After my first period test i slept in my car waiting for Toleson. Afterward we went to Panera then rented a New Hope and watched it at my house. Fencing later tonight.

But, no more high school....ever. This is so strange. I'm going to miss it so much, I always tell people that deciding to go to Feehan was the best decision I ever made in my life, and after these past four years, that statement has been ratified a million times over. Even the teachers that i didn't like were still great teachers, and there were only a few of them. For the most part I have made a good connection with everyone of my teachers and will miss them all, on one level or another, deeply. I really am going to miss my friends so much though. And obviously I'm going to miss the people I've bonded with the most, but I also have a deep feeling of regret. I regret, a. having lost friends that I made my first two years at Feehan. There are a lot of people, especially in the band, who I used to hang out with on a regular basis and now never ever see. b. I also regret not becoming friends with enough people. There are some really cool people at Feehan, who, in general, I have gotten along with, but never made the effort to become friends with them. I guess I always assumed that i'd eventually get to know them better, but the time is up, there is no more school time to get to know this people. Although I'm leaving Feehan extraordinarily happy with my experiences there, I still have some regrets.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

One Day Left?

I can't even fathom that tomorrow morning is the last morning that I sit in the cafe and talk and complain to friends about anything and everything. After tomorrow, there are no more morning cafeteria talks. I can't fathom that after tomorrow, there are no more debates with Mr. Gagnon over my ridiculous conservative principles. There are no more debates. I can't even imagine that after tomorrow, I will never be eating lunch in that cafe as a student again. No more baja chicken, no more breakfast sandwhiches, no more buffalo chicken. There is no more lunch.

These past four years have been amazing. I know that I personally, along with all 240+ members of our class have grown in intellect, spirituality, and maturity. But where has the time gone? I will probably never see most of my class again. I keep making promises that I will keep in contact with too many people, because I know I won't. I know things will fall through, I know that I will have a group of 5-10 friends that I will carry with me throughout life, but that the rest of my friends I will unfortunately not see again.

I'd just like to take the time now to say that these past four years have been more than amazing and that I want to thank Bishop Feehan and the class of '05 for making my journey through high school as great as concievably possible.